libra / pie cuadrado [PSF], libra / pulgada cuadrada [psi], libra / metro cuadrado [pf / m3], poundal / pie cuadrado [PDL / ft²], poundal / pulgada cuadrada [PDL 


Instant free online tool for ksi to psi conversion or vice versa. The ksi [ksi] to psi [psi] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert ksi or psi to other pressure units or learn more about pressure conversions.

可以将psi换算为psf (磅力每平方英寸 换算为磅力每平方英尺)的度量计算器。 (壓強) libra / pie cuadrado [PSF], libra / pulgada cuadrada [psi], libra / metro cuadrado [pf / m3], poundal / pie cuadrado [PDL / ft²], poundal / pulgada cuadrada [PDL  0.75 Pounds Per Square Foot to Pounds Per Square Inch Conversion. How many pounds per square inch in 0.75 lbf/ft2? 34 lbf/ft2 equals 0.005208 psi. 23 Dec 2020 As we work with water pumps, we find that pressure is presented to us in two common units: PSI (pounds per square inch) or feet of head. 11 Oct 2016 Pressure measurement is all about PSI. That's because pounds per square inch ( PSI) is the most common unit for measuring pressure in the  19 Abr 2013 Cuántas veces hemos oido hablar de la famosa Horquilla PSF KYB sin por KYB, no olvides recordar los PSI, en que debes tener tu horquilla,  Pund per kvadratfot till Pounds per kvadrattum. Konvertera mellan enheterna (psf → psi) eller se konverteringstabellen. Pounds per kvadrattum till Pund per kvadratfot.

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1 Pounds per square foot = 0.0141 Inches of mercury: 10 Pounds per square foot = 0.1414 Inches of mercury: 2500 Pounds per square foot = 35.3477 Inches of mercury: 2 Pounds per square foot = 0.0283 Inches of mercury Online calculator to convert megapascals to pounds per square inch (MPa to psi) with formulas, examples, and tables. Our conversions provide a quick and easy way to convert between Pressure units. 1 Pounds per square foot = 4.8×10-5 Megapascals: 10 Pounds per square foot = 0.000479 Megapascals: 2500 Pounds per square foot = 0.1197 Megapascals: 2 Pounds per square foot = 9.6×10-5 Megapascals Pounds per square foot. 1 psf is the pressure exterted by one pound-force of force being applied to an area of one square foot . Pounds per square foot to Pascals formula Wind Load Vs. PSF Wind Pressure of Basic Speed is: q= (V^2)/1.6 {V to the power of 2 divided by 1.6} Where q is the pressure in Pa and V is the wind velocity in m/sec.

0,8 km/h. 12,2 m/55 sek. Information om golvbelastning, GS-2046. Maximal däcklast. 2 017 lbs. 915 kg. Ringtryck. 134,5 psi. 19 363 psf. 9,45 kg/cm2. 927 kPa.

Poundal Per Square Foot and Psi both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion  1 psi = 6894.76 pascals (Pa); 1 psf = 47.8803 pascals (Pa); psi value x 6894.76 Pa = psf value x 47.8803 Pa; psi value = psf value / 144. Untuk satuan pengukuran pada pressure gauge dikenal dengan istilah psi atau pound per square inch, ada juga psf atau pound per square foot, mmHg atau  per cubic foot times 8 feet, or 1200 pounds per square foot.

Psf to psi

PSI-direktivet innehåller minimiregler för vidareutnyttjande avhandlingar som finns nyttjande ska PSF^irektivets bestämmelser tillämpas.Iartikel4 ställs krav på 

of 20 bar to suit the new Showa Air fork on the KXF450 2015, CRF250R 2015 & RMZ450 2015. SPECIFICATIONS:- Comes with maximum 300 psi (20 bar) hi. DRC AIR Fork Pump 220 psi /15 bar, double gauges DFD59-35-100DRC KYB PSF Fork Pump 3,5 bar/50psi RMZ250 16-, CRF450R 13 DFD59-35-101KYB  Jag är utbildad vid PsykosyntesInstitutet (PsI) i Göteborg.

Psf to psi

To convert to psi, divide by 144 (square inches per square foot). This gives a pressure of 8.33 psi. A pound-force per square foot (lbf/ft²) is a unit of pressure, stress, Young's modulus and ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial  psft, psi. 1, = 0.0069. 2, = 0.0139. 3, = 0.0208.

Psf to psi

Om trycket är 20 psi, till exempel (20 psi) * ( psf /psi) = psf.

How many PSFs are in a PSI? The answer is one PSI is equal to 144 PSFs. Feel free to use our online unit conversion calculator to convert the unit from PSI to  A cuanto equivale 90 psf?
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Multiplicera PSF x bifloddsbredden för att få pund per linjär fot (PLF) på strålen Ta hänsyn till bärområdet på 2x10 vid ca 625 PSI vinkelrätt mot spannmålen för 

1 psf is the pressure exterted by one pound-force of force being applied to an area of one square foot . Inches of Water to Pounds per square foot table. Start This on the web one-way conversion tool converts pressure or stress units from pounds per sq. foot ( psf ) into tons per square foot ( tsf - US Short ) instantly online. 1 pound per square ft ( psf ) = 0.00050 tons per square foot ( tsf - US Short ). How many tons per square foot ( tsf - US Short ) are in 1 pound per square ft ( 1 psf )?

This tool converts pounds per square foot to pascals (psf to pa) and vice versa. 1 pound per square foot = 47.880258980336 pascals. The user must fill one of the two fields and the conversion will become automatically. 1 pounds per square foot = 47.8803 pascals Formula pounds per square foot in pascals (psf in pa).

Linkbelt 8090. 12' 6" 47' 10". 10' 9". 16 May 2010 feet = 62.4 pounds/square foot (psf). 0.5 square feet = 72 square inches. 31.2 pounds/72 square inches = 0.433 pounds/square inch (psi). Terakhir, pilih unit yang ke dalamnya nilai akan dikonversikan, dalam contoh ini ' Pound per square inch [psi]'.

1102. 0.32. 47. Convert this value to pounds per square foot (psf) and pounds per square inch ( psi).