TY - THES. T1 - Clinical applications of acoustophoresis in blood based diagnostics. AU - Petersson, Klara. N1 - Defence details Date: 2018-03-23 Time: 09:15 Place: lecture hall Belfragesalen, D15, BMC, Klinikgatan 32, Lund University, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund External reviewer Name: Descroix, Stephanie Title: Doctor Affiliation: Institute Curie, France ---


Acoustophoresis is a label free method where the acoustic radiation force is used to manipulate microparticles inside microfluidic channels. The magnitude of 

Här beskriver vi en metod för tillverkning av acoustophoretic enheter från och sålunda, snabbare acoustophoretic transport av mikroskopiska  Sammanfattning : This project aimed at exploring new hybrid materials to be used for acoustophoresis applications. Acoustophoresis can be used to manipulate  Acoustophoresis är en överlägsen teknik här, den är blixtsnabb, förstör inte celler, kräver inte någon reagens och lämpar sig mycket väl för  MT2014-0002 Acoustophoresis-based label-free tumor cell purging of PBSC products from neuroblastoma patients. Lunds universitet. Scheding.

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(acoustophoresis) has been used to focus, concentrate, and separate particles in various one-phase microfluidic sys-tems,21–23 and recently, acoustics has also been implemented in two-phase systems to sort whole droplets and to manipulate particles inside droplets.11,14,15,24,25 Particles in an acoustic Acoustophoresis offers new means to process and handle cells in an efficient way without inducing any cell damage, where buffer exchange, cell washing, size separation, affinity separation, and concentration are all fundamental modalities of acoustophoresis. acoustophoresis subsequently translates the beads into a stream of uncoloured buffer in the channel centre (continuous flow bead washing). Washed beads exit via the central outlet. Acoustophoresis is a non-contact and label-free mode of manipulating particles and cell populations and allows for implementation of several separation modes [ 2 ]. The technology is currently finding increased applications in bioanalytical and clinical applications of cell handling and manipulation. 2013-03-07 · The acoustophoresis problem is roughly solved as follows: First, the acoustic field is solved using the Thermoacoustic Interface.

Acoustophoresis is a very attractive, gentle label-free and noncontact method of particles and cell manipulation/separation due to its induced motion when subjected to an acoustic field. It is the migration of cells or particles with sound. On exposure to an acoustic wave field, radiation force affects particles.

@inproceedings{Grenvall2014AcousticFI, title={Acoustic Forces  We report a new design of an acoustophoretic trapping device with significantly Acoustophoresis Enables the Label-Free Separation of Functionally Different  In RIVER we propose to integrate acoustophoresis with droplet microfluidics to develop a platform where droplets of varying volume containing single cells can  university dissertations (essays). Full text.


Acoustophoresis är en överlägsen teknik här, den är blixtsnabb, förstör inte celler, kräver inte någon reagens och lämpar sig mycket väl för 

@inproceedings{Grenvall2014AcousticFI, title={Acoustic Forces  We report a new design of an acoustophoretic trapping device with significantly Acoustophoresis Enables the Label-Free Separation of Functionally Different  In RIVER we propose to integrate acoustophoresis with droplet microfluidics to develop a platform where droplets of varying volume containing single cells can  university dissertations (essays). Full text. Free. Dissertation: Acoustic Forces in Cytometry and Biomedical Applications: Multidimensional Acoustophoresis.


Acoustophoresis is a very attractive, gentle label-free and noncontact method of particles and cell manipulation/separation due to its induced motion when subjected to an acoustic field. It is the migration of cells or particles with sound.
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It is crucial to include viscosity and thermal conduction explicitly as we needed to model and resolve the thin acoustic boundary layer in detail. and microparticle acoustophoresis as function of particle size and material properties. We end with a concluding discussion in Section V. II Governing equations The governing perturbation equations for the thermoacoustic fields are well-known textbook material.23–25 The full acoustic problem in a fluid, which before the presence of any acoustic In five studies, microchannel acoustophoresis has been adapted for applications in life science. Three of these relate to sample preparation through transfer of cells and microparticles from one suspending fluid to another, for bead based bio-affinity assays, or cell suspension conditioning.

Acoustophoresis in microfluidic structures has primarily been reported in silicon microfabricated devices. This paper demonstrates, for the first time, acoustophoresis performed in isotropically etched glass chips providing a performance that matches that of the corresponding silicon microdevices. The resonance mode characteristics of the glass chip were equal to those of the silicon chip at acoustophoresis (acoustic manipulation) while the passive method is based on inertial microfluidics (hydrodynamic manipulation).
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blood banking. Our developments of acoustophoresis in these clinical areas also targets the removal of trombocytes from apheresis products and production of WBC-free trombocyte fractions. A recent key development was the demonstration that high performance acoustophoresis can be performed in standard

refined acoustophoresis systems taking into account both pri-mary and secondary acoustic radiation force effects. II. THEORYOF THE SECONDARYACOUSTIC RADIATION FORCE When a particle is exposed to an acoustic standing wave it will experience a time-averaged force known as the primary acoustic force, F pr, which in an ideal fluid in a one-dimensional Binary acoustophoresis utilizes the fact that the acoustic properties of the species to be separated display either a positive or negative primary acoustic radiation force (analogous to positive and negative dielectrophoresis) relative its counter part, Blood fractionation is a key pre-treatment prior to analysis steps in the field of immunology and diagnostics.

Free Flow Acoustophoresis (FFA) can be considered as one of the most efficient approaches for high-throughput separation of microparticles or cells from complex suspensions such as blood samples. 31,173,174 A dedicated review series has been written on the subject. 175–177 FFA uses acoustic forces generated by high-frequency acoustic resonators to separate particles or cells based on their

T1 - Physics of microparticle acoustophoresis.

Pelle Ohlsson, Klara Petersson, Per Augustsson and  TY - THES. T1 - On microchannel acoustophoresis - Experimental considerations and life science applications.