What is the difference between below sentences after removing the "ska ha"? But then when ska is used in above context for past tense, then it actually adds some uncertainity to a sentence. 1 In Anki, select Tools > Import from Quizlet.


Import in a sentence 1. A restricted import quota was set for meat products. 2. They are engaged in import and export. 3. We import a large number of cars from Japan. 4. The beetle is thought to be a European import. 5. They renewed contact with other import and export corporations. 6. Machinery is

import  Examples of how to use the word “import” in a sentence. How to connect “import” with other words to make correct English sentences. import (n, v): goods bought  Imports are products or raw materials bought from another country for use in your own country. farmers protesting Examples of 'import' in a sentence. import. How To Start A Sentence: Words To Begin Sentences: 1 (English Daily Use) Paperback – Import, 16 September 2013. by  Any thoughts or experiences?

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He was arrested for importuning a young boy outside the station. 3. One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by. Familiarity information: IMPORT used as a noun is common. • IMPORT (verb) The verb IMPORT has 3 senses: 1.

Examples of Import in a sentence Due to the high tariffs placed on goods, the company decided to buy the raw materials in the United States instead of deciding to import them. Most cold countries that have winter weather during the majority of the year must import their food from other parts of the world.

2021-03-06 Global Sticks used to import wooden sticks from China used for ice cream bars, corn dogs, tongue depressors and paint paddles. A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property right owner.

Import used in a sentence

HERE are many translated example sentences containing "IMPORT" - swedish-english Total net production + imports- exports- used for pumped storage.

Already their import had become familiar enough to lose that first terribleness. We stared at each other blankly as the terrible import of her words came home to us. I could even wonder if my mother really grasped the import of what she had copied out. Example Sentences for "import". and Germany, and exports Japanese beer all over the worldThe company where Hiroshi works imports beer from the U.S. and Germany, and exports Japanese beer all over the world.

Import used in a sentence

Its parent company is China Aviation Technology Import Export Shenzhen Company.

Import used in a sentence

One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by. Familiarity information: IMPORT used as a noun is common. • IMPORT (verb) The verb IMPORT has 3 senses: 1.

He rejected their request for … Other import duties fell on sugar, tobacco, timber, silk, iron bars and, in some years, grain.
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Whether or not the negative is used in this sentence, the meaning is affirma- tive. tration in connection with his statement relative to the import of the use of the 

How to use import in a sentence.

The import of his letter is that as Chairman of the Council of kingmakers, he could not provide leadership. The import service provides a win-win situation if the person is capable of everything they say they are. With no windows to open to air the place out, the only thing the Blues could do was import some industrial-sized fans to circulate the air.

Due to the high tariffs placed on goods, the company decided to buy the raw materials in the United States instead of deciding to import them. 🔊 import in a sentence The faster the imports come in, the better for me, The company plans to import 4, 500 ragtops this year. Exports were a little weaker than expected and imports were stronger. From January to June, imports from Mexico leapt 21 percent. Imports over six years could then be reduced Sentence Examples With very low inventories of gasoline and distillates in the US, any reduction in importswill have an exponential impact on prices.

Already their import had become familiar enough to lose that first terribleness. We stared at each other blankly as the terrible import of her words came home to us. I could even wonder if my mother really grasped the import of what she had copied out. Example Sentences for "import". and Germany, and exports Japanese beer all over the worldThe company where Hiroshi works imports beer from the U.S. and Germany, and exports Japanese beer all over the world.