Infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) from Rheinmetall and Hanwha have been down-selected for the Australian Army’s Land 400 Phase 3 for the procurement of new IFVs to replace the Army’s ageing M113AS4 fleet. Two other contenders, General Dynamics Land System’s Ajax and BAE Systems’ CV90, have been eliminated from the programme.


By the time Land 400 Phase 3 is contracted, Latest News. Russia's Ruselectronics Begins Delivering Reconnaissance System Meant for Aircraft, Drones. April 9, 2021 @ 05:11 AM.

Soucy has lauded the capability benefits of its composite rubber track (CRT) system, used in the Hanwha-built Redback infantry fighting vehicle, put forward as an option for the 17 Sep LAND 400 Phase 3 Down Selection Success. Posted at 07:02h in Defence, EOS by EOS. Electro Optic Systems (ASX: EOS) through its Defence Systems subsidiary has been down selected by the Commonwealth of Australia for the Australian Army’s LAND 400 Phase 3 program. The Army requirement is for an armoured vehicle equipped with an advanced turret to provide mounted close combat capability. Land 400 Phase 3 (Mounted Close Combat Capability) will acquire up to 450 tracked IFVs to replace the Australian Army’s ageing M113AS4 armoured personnel carriers. A decision on which tenderer will Sep 16, 2019.

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The new family of vehicles will be better armed, highly protected and more efficient than the current M-113s. 2019-09-17 · Phase 3 of the overarching Land 400 program follows on from the A$5.2 billion (U.S. $3.6 billion) Phase 2, under which Rheinmetall is delivering 211 Boxer wheeled 8x8 combat reconnaissance LAND 400 Phase 3 is a $10 billion-$15 billion program, which will recapitalise the Army’s Vietnam-era M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) force, with a combination of a tracked IFV and tracked APC. The Risk Mitigation Activity will commence later this year. LAND 400 Phase 3 Armoured Fighting Vehicles.

Land 400 phase 3 latest news

The Australian Government has shortlisted Hanwha Defense and Rheinmetall Defence for the Department of Defence’s LAND 400 Phase 3 programme. Hanwha Defense Australia and Rheinmetall Defence Australia have been selected to take part in the next stage of evaluation under the project. The LAND 400 Phase 3 is a DoD project to acquire 450 infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) and 17 manoeuvre support vehicles (MSV) for the Australian Army.


Land 400 phase 3 latest news

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Land 400 phase 3 latest news

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The LAND 400 program is the planned replacement of the currently outdated equipment of the Australian forces - such as the ASLAV and the M113 - with modern state-of-the-art vehicles.
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LAND 400 Phase 2 and 3 contenders update The Australian Army is currently looking for replacements of the ASLAV and M113AS4 armored fighting vehicles (AFVs). Phase 2 of the LAND 400 program seeks a replacment for the 13.2 tonnes ASLAV.

Wait till you see Phase 3? According to many publications (including the excellent Defence Technology Review) the above vehicles are all in the running for the contract. I never in my life thought that I would say that the CV9035 would seem dated but in this field it does. BAE Systems offers combat-proven CV90 for LAND 400 Phase 3 bid 7 Mar 2019 2019-03-07T08:00:30+01:00 BAE Systems today confirmed it is offering the CV90, a combat-proven Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), to the Commonwealth of Australia in response to the LAND 400 Phase 3 Mounted Close Combat Capability Request for Tender. LAND 400 Phase 3.

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Army Prototype vehicles arrive for assessment . Six prototype infantry fighting vehicles have arrived in Australia as part of the Land 400 Phase 3 program. The Land 400 Phase 3 Project. The Mounted Close Combat Capability (LAND 400 Phase 3) project is scoped to acquire and support up to 450 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV) to replace the current M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers and up to 17 Manoeuvre Support Vehicles.

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