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formulär i HTML Workspace · Integrera AEM formulärarbetsyta med Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Snabbstart för Java API - kodexempel authenticateOnBehalf( "administrator", //The Super user which has the required impersonation permission "password", // Password of the super user as referred above "bob",
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Vainu View iframe solution enables customer data to be displayed in Superoffice. Vainu View solution makes Vainu’s company profile data available to everyone who is working with customers and needs detailed company information on a daily basis, i.e., salespeople, people working in customer service as well as account managers and people working in customer success.
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SuperOffice CRM Vår lidenskap for Customer Relationship Management har gjort SuperOffice til en av Europas ledende leverandører av CRM løsninger til bedriftsmarkedet. Vår software støtter den individuelle bruker, og bidrar til økt produktivitet innen salg, markedsføring og kundeservice.
· Access The leading Customer Data Platform. Join 20,000+ businesses that use Segment's software and APIs to collect, clean, and control their customer data. See how ЛУКОЙЛ СУПЕР SAE 10W40 API SG/CD (20 л) Моторное масло. Подробная информация о заказе в компании "ООО «ТД «ТЕХНО-СИНТЕЗ»".
Öppet REST API som möjliggör integrationer till andra system i er verksamhet. Enkelt att skala upp eller ner antal användare, kort bindningstid. Möjligt att bygga in
Analysis. Communication. Documentation. Implementation.
An API and hosting-service which provides downloads for the SuperOffice eco-system. SuperOffice WebTools for Windows The following versions are available: For SuperOffice 8.3 or newer (Version 12.0.7689.1015) SuperOffice API specs, API docs, OpenAPI support, SDKs, GraphQL, developer docs, CLI, IDE plugins, API pricing, developer experience, authentication, and API styles. An example Angular web application that demonstrates how to authenticate with SuperOffice Online using OpenID Connect, as how a client might use REST services to get, create, and delete Companys, Contacts, Sales, Projects, etc. TypeScript MIT 0 0 0 12 Updated 10 days ago As an administrator, sign in to your SuperOffice organization. Allow SalesScreen to access REST API By default, SuperOffice will prevent REST API access for external agents – like SalesScreen. You therefore need to allow SalesScreen access by installing the SalesScreen app found in SuperOffice's app store. SuperOffice is a cloud-based CRM platform designed to help you build strong business relationships with your customers at scale.